Raleigh City Council Still Hasn’t Addressed the Concerns by Southern Coalition for Social Justice on the Voting Powers of Marginalized Communities

A month ago, the Southern Coalition for Social Justice called for the City of Raleigh to redo their redistricting with a more equitable map by March 31, 2022.

The city has done nothing to address this issue, nor have they admitted that they made an error for claiming that they did not need to follow the Voters Rights Act, Section 2, when there was no factual or legal basis for them to say so.

The city may be trying to sweep this under the rug, but they cannot.

Because it is recorded.

Please know that there are families and communities that the City of Raleigh has harmed in their gerrymandering of the city’s districts.

Angeline Echeverria, Brentwood resident and NC Counts Coalition, “Please don’t sever the Latino and immigrant communities with the city’s redistricting plan.”

The city did not listen to the people, but we hear each other.

This city council has openly undermined and harmed the voting powers of the Black, Indigenous, Latino, and Immigrant communities, and for that reason, they must be voted out on November 2022.

We also encourage folks to follow MAB Got to Go on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MAB-Got-To-Go-104160974684421

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